WORT Mission Statement

WORT is currently operated by a collective of five fulltime and four parttime paid staff; a very active nine member Board of Directors, and over 200 volunteers. Programming on WORT seeks to be as diverse as the listening community itself with over eighty different programs. While the primary focus is on locally produced shows, WORT also airs some satellite programming including BBC News and Pacifica Radio News. Other satellite shows include the gay and lesbian magazine show "This Way Out", and "Second Opinion" which originated at WORT.



WORT-FM is a non-commercial, listener sponsored, member controlled community radio station broadcasting to south central Wisconsin. WORT volunteers and staff provide quality programming and services to a broad spectrum of the community through:

  • promotion of communication, education, entertainment, and understanding by providing a forum for both the discussion of public issues and the expansion of musical and cultural experience;
  • facilitation of community expression and provision of community access to the airwaves for the purpose of sharing music, culture, news, and information;
  • challenge of the cultural and intellectual assumptions of our listeners through unique and diverse programming;
  • orientation towards the audience with concern for those under- represented by other media.

WORT is committed to radio programming with a human perspective -- respecting all peoples and their environments.