Prometheus Radio Broadcast: July 2011

In the past ten days, Prometheus and media justice supporters have realized a major victory and an important step at the FCC. First, the victory: On July 7, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit issued its long-awaited verdict in Prometheus Radio Project v. the FCC, rejecting the FCC's attempt to further deregulate media ownership. (Watch Prometheus discuss this win on Democracy Now!.) Congratulations to everyone who fought for years to see this victory.

This was followed on Tuesday by an FCC proposal to ensure channels for new community radio stations in urban areas. Over the next month we will be working hard to ensure that their decision allows for as many new community radio stations as possible, and we need your voice and your financial support. Tell the FCC that media matters. Become a sustaining funder so that we can continue to fight for more stations and more viewpoints than those offered by big media. Prometheus is working to build the future of community radio. Join us today.

Action Alert: Tell the FCC to Save Channels for Community Radio in Your Area!

Will groups in urban areas have a chance to apply for new community radio stations? In part the answer depends on the outcome of an FCC rulemaking released this week. Take action to comment on the FCC's proposal to ensure that some frequencies are available for low power radio in every market.

Read the full article...


Radio Summer Sizzles in Motor City!

Radio Summer is on! Dozens of excited organizers attended our Radio Summer Organizer Training at the Allied Media Conference in Detroit eager to get the tools needed to expand community radio in their regions. Since community radio is as much about community as it is about radio, we offered organizing resources to help groups do outreach in their communities. We shared popular education tools to facilitate thinking collectively and creatively about using radio, and gave specific details about starting a station. We also debuted our Radio Summer Toolkit!

More than 40 new people signed up as Radio Summer volunteers at the AMC. That means lots of people will soon be organizing events in their towns, inviting awesome community groups, and sharing the chance to start community radio stations. Others will distribute Radio Summer materials at conferences and music festivals. Some will even go on tour to spread the word far and wide. Radio Summer made Detroit sizzle, now it's time to heat up the rest of the country!

See all the wonderful media we captured from the Allied Media Conference!

KDRT-LP: Davis's Radio Mavens

What do your pre-teens listen to at 5:30 PM on Tuesdays? If you're in Davis California, probably Rocket Radio, an interview and talk show aimed at school-age kids. It's hosted by a plucky pre-teen named Rocket, who interviews friends and reads stories on the air.

KDRT-LP, home of Rocket Radio, broadcasts a cornucopia of programming driven by  the station's core values: diversity, localism, social equality, public participation, and media literacy. KDRT-LP has faced many obstacles, but has become a shining example of what a community radio station can be. Jeff Shaw, KDRT's longtime station director, describes the station's format as "purely eclectic." For sure! This seven-year-old LPFM is chock-full of unique programming, including the Davis Garden Show, whose podcast has gained national recognition and questions from all over the country. The hosts give gardening advice to call-ins, as well as advice about the weather and soil conditions in Davis.

Read the full station profile...

Summer Staff has Prometheus Abuzz with Energy

In late May, Prometheus welcomed 6 interns who have committed to spending their summer vacations working on Radio Summer and ensuring Prometheus is prepared to help hundreds of groups apply for new community radio stations.  They hail from different places and have some very different interests but all share a commitment to media justice and we are excited to have them in our midst. 

Celina loves watching documentaries and traveling, and wrestled a shark with her bare hands and won. Roger likes going for hour-long runs, and his favorite meal is lasagna. Beth bikes around frantically in search of free food when not at work. Natty plays accordion, badly, and likes to write political sci-fi...also badly. Margaret is a seasoned long-distance walker who enjoys making clothing in her spare time. April is a seasoned radio activist who enjoys reading Fanon in her warehouse in Chinatown. Lucy enjoys rainy days, long walks on the beach, and immanentizing the eschaton.

More about these feisty young go-getters here.

Celebrate, Meet & Mingle in Philadelphia

Join Prometheus Radio Project, Brown Paper Tickets, independent media makers, event producers, artists, and organizers next week for a casual mixer in Philadelphia. We'll meet, mingle, and celebrate recent media justice victories.

Come celebrate with us! Maybe you'll meet someone who can help take your work to the next level of awesomeness. And learn more about Radio Summer, our outreach campaign to expand community radio stations across the country!

We hope to see you next week. Please RSVP by replying to this email.

Happy Hour, 5-7 p.m.
Tues, July 19, 2011
Smith's Restaurant & Lounge
39-41 S. 19th St.
Philadelphia, PA 19103
(google map)



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