Prometheus Radio Broadcast December 2011

This has been a great year for supporters of community radio and for Prometheus in particular.  We passed a law, won a court victory against consolidation, and geared up to build the community radio of the future. To help us get there, a Rick Phaneuf of Coast FM is matching every donation made through December 31, dollar for dollar. Your $50 gift made today means $100 available to support new community radio stations, and we need them now more than ever.

While the Occupy movement has faded from main stream press, when it was visible, the focus was seldom about the hard truth behind the movement - 99% have less.  Less control over what constitutes news, less control over the decisions that affect our daily lives; little or no access to healthcare, affordable housing, a living wage or for many, any wage at all. Imagine how different that coverage would be in the hands of the people - reporting for community radio stations that are not controlled by a handful of corporations. We too imagine what it will be like and we are working to build it - now - but we need your support. 

In this issue we show you some of the places where stations will be available and many of the groups waiting to apply in those areas. Right now they are dots on a map. With your support those dots will be replaced by transmitters carrying our voices to  our communities which are hungry for change. Please give today.

Community Radio: It's All over the Map                   


The media landscape is about to change and using Google Maps we can begin to show you how. For the past few months, I have spent my internship gathering data and using it to create maps that can be used in recruiting and supporting groups that want to start community radio stations. While the FCC will not be releasing final rules for several more weeks, we used preliminary FCC data that we received earlier this year to create a visual representation of where possible frequencies are available.  Read more . . .
Getting Community Radio in Communities of Color     

Thanks to commercial broadcast lobbying, community radio is hard to find almost anywhere, but it’s especially hard to find in communities of color. 

Unfair technical restrictions have confined low power radio to rural areas, putting stations out of reach of the vast majority of the country. A 2009 study showed that these restrictions disproportionately excluded communities of color. Using census data, geographers Wikler and Comer showed that most low power stations serve areas with lower-than-average diversity. Because urban areas have been shut out, so have the diverse communities that live there.   Read more. . .
Looking for a Few Good Interns                            

Want to join Prometheus in building the future of community radio?  We have just the opportunity for you.  We need interns that can devote 15-20 hours per week supporting groups that want to start community radio stations.  The following positions are available:
  • Community Radio Organizer
  • Policy Intern
  • Outreach Campaign - Communications Intern
  • Outreach Campaign - Organizing Intern

​More info available here

New Station Profile - Main Street Project                

Twin City Groups Gear Up for Community Radio

Each month in Minneapolis-St.Paul, Minnesota people representing almost twenty community groups covering issues from immigrants rights to media justice get together to plan for their future community radio stations. The people are as diverse as they are determined, featuring small business owners, social services providers, artists, and activists. Main Street Project is a "grassroots cultural organizing, media justice and economic development initiative" that's helping to connect communities and gear up to get on air.
"We see LPFM as an opportunity to build our own media infrastructure, free of filters, that puts the power of the microphone in the hands of the people who live and work in this community. The two neighborhoods we’re focusing on, Phillips and Frogtown, are the most racially diverse and economically marginalized neighborhoods in the Twin Cities. In addition to the usual challenges, the stories about what happens in these communities tend to be produced by people outside of these neighborhoods," said  Danielle Mkali, Media Justice Organizer at Main Street Project.  Read more. . .


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Thank You Donors!

The following people contributed to Prometheus between 1/1/11 and 11/30/11. 


Jonathan Agin
Stephanie Alarcon
Jay Allison
Dennis Apuan
Dan and Tally Avener
Mr Mark Beauchamp
Beth Bell
Lindsay Benedict
Stephanie Biziewski
John Brier
Sarah Buckingham
Patricia Chadwick
George E Clower
Stacey Cox
Mike Davis
Herbert Davis
Shauna Duffy
Vincent Evangelisti
Charles Evans
Jonathan Feakins
Deepa Fernandes
Kirsten Flagg
Martha Fleischman
Debby Florence
Will Floyd
Mary Francis
Lawrence Geller
Warren Goodwin
Antoine Haywood
Jack Heginbotham
Bill Helmer
Mr. Brian Kelly
Sascha Krader
David Kunian
Cheryl Leanza
Steven Levinson
Delaney Martin
Michael Mcgough
Douglas McNeill
Ms. Trish Nelson
Dan Nichols
Bob Ollerton
Beth Patel
Rick Provencio
Rip Rinehart
Teresa J. Allen Ronald L. Reeves
Hannah Sassaman
Matthew Schacht
Zach Schiller
Steve Schwartz
Sharon Scott
Ira Selkowitz
Sandia Slaby
Ken Sleeman
Robert Soloff
Burke Stansbury
Roxanna Sweet
Douglas Taylor
Justin Valis
Carroll Webber, Jr.
Jason Weiss
Holmes Wilson
The Hush House Black World Community Museum and Leadership Training Institute for Human Rights
Garden Valley Communications, Inc
Local Action Group of Riverside
KQRP-LP  X106.1 FM  /  
Ford Foundation
Media and Democracy Fund of Proteus
North Star Fund 
Coast FM Foundation
October Foundation
Please tell us if we have inadvertently overlooked your donation.