Prometheus launches people-powered radio project!

videotaping radio testimony

Whether they’re organizing their community, spinning records, or fighting big media, all over the country people love community radio. To find out who loves community radio, where they love it, and why they love it, Prometheus is launching the People Powered Radio Project. Please submit a short video clip about you and radio, and send it our way. The videos will be uploaded onto an interactive Google map, showcasing a growing network of community organizers and media activists. 

Because participatory radio is driven by the needs of each community, no two radio stations are exactly alike. The People Powered Radio Project will use personal testimonials to show how radio is individually, communally, and politically relevant. This is your time to tell each other what radio means to you! Please add your voice to the growing network of stories.

For more info, and how to submit, continue reading.

This project uses audio, video, photos and text to give voice to the diverse communities across the country that are currently using or could benefit from local community radio. 

We want to hear your stories.  Is there a community radio station in your area?  If so, why is it important to you?  What kind of unique programming does it offer? Has the crucial news and information on your station helped to mobilize the community to action? Has your community radio station broken important local news?  Has your local station provided a venue for debate or covered issues that are forgotten or misrepresented in other media?

If you don't already have a local participatory radio station, how do you think your community would benefit from having one?  How does the absence of local radio affect your community? Does the music you produce and enjoy often go ignored by corporate radio programmers?  Are you having trouble finding radio programs broadcast in your native language?  Do you wish you could tune in to your favorite local station to learn more about events going on in your area? 
Are you in need of a platform to speak up about local issues and organize around local problems ?


1. Answer the following question on a video in 1 minute or less:

What does local community radio mean to (you)r community?

2. Post your video to the People Powered Radio Youtube Channel.

3. Email the URL of your shiny new video to

View the map as it develops!

View People Powered Radio Map in a larger map