Outreach Partners

Does your organization have chapters or members across the country? Are you connected to unions, community groups, nonprofits?

Become an Outreach Partner! Prometheus Radio Project will help you get the word out to groups in your networks about this historic chance to build noncommercial radio stations. You spread the word and we'll support groups to get on the air. We'll offer groups the training and resources they need to build strong stations that will amplify our movements for years to come.

We're working with labor, environmental, immigrant justice, youth empowerment, Civil Rights, faith, media justice groups and more nationwide to spread the fire of community radio. If you're interested in becoming an outreach partner please email jrousset@prometheusradio.org with the subject line "Outreach Partner".

For ways to spread the word now visit our Outreach Page.

 Outreach Partners include: