Help Unmask the Mystery Senators Blocking Community Radio!

(Read the latest news on our Congressional campaign here)

How to be a senatorial sleuth:

First, look up your senators' phone numbers here, then use the scripts below for your calls! Since the holds are coming from Republican offices, we have different requests for Republican and Democratic Senators.

Be sure to have a pen ready so you can write down exactly what the staff person tells you about your senator's position on the bill. Then, email us and tell us how it went!

Sample message for Republican Senators:

"Hi, my name is ___ and I am a constituent calling about the Local Community Radio Act, S592, which will expand community radio nationwide. I support the bill, as does the Christian Coalition and the Catholic Radio Association, and I hope the Senator does too. I'm calling because I've heard there are anonymous holds on the bill and I'd like to ask if the Senator has any concerns. Is the Senator holding the bill, or might s/he in the future? 

(Feel free to explain more about why community radio is needed in your state, for emergency response, church groups, support for local businesses, etc.)"

If the staffer can't answer, ask to leave a message. Share the message above, then ask: "Could someone please call me back with the Senator's position on the bill?" and leave your name and number.

Once you've got an answer, contact us at and let us know what you learned! Thanks for being a senatorial sleuth! Even if your senator isn't holding the bill, your call will help show support for community radio.

Sample message for Democratic Senators:

"Hi, my name is __ and I am a constituent calling about the Local Community Radio Act, S592, which will expand community radio nationwide. I am calling to ask the Senator to lead the way in passing this legislation this year.   (Feel free to explain more about why community radio is needed in your state, for emergency response, church groups, support for local businesses, etc.)"

That's it! Thanks for sharing your support of the Local Community Radio Act! Together, we can bring real local media to communities nationwide.