Making Waves all the way to Detroit

It's been nearly a month since Prometheus concluded our 5-week long Making Waves: Transmitting Popular Power outreach tour. To relive the tour, check out our multimedia blog, and our interactive map capturing people powered radio testimonies. Now Making Waves is gearing up to head to Detroit to the Allied Media Conference (June 18-20) and the United States Social Forum (June 22-26).

After reflecting on our meetings with many incredible grassroots organizations, we are convinced more than ever that radio is an essential tool for social justice and grassroots organizing. We learned of the many ways groups want to use participatory radio. Radio can mobilize and engage  communities, facilitate communication through prison walls, preserve culture and language, and build consciousness.

Inspired by what we've learned, Prometheus is coordinating a panel at the US Social Forum called Making Waves: Radio as a Tool for Organizing and Building community. At the Forum, we will also debut our Making Waves interactive art exhibit. So, if you missed us on tour but want to learn more about the groups we met with on our journey and the lessons we learned, you still have a chance!

At the Allied Media Conference we are helping to organize a workshop track and live broadcast: Radio Active: From the Streets to the Airwaves and we'd like to send a special invitation to the many groups that we met along the way to meet back up with us at the AMC and USSF.

For folks in Philadelphia, we are eager to delve deeper into discussions of the tour and to explore next steps in the Making Waves project. You are invited to join us on Thursday, May 20, 7pm. @718 Market St for a tour report-back and discussion.

For a complete Flickr slideshow from the tour: click here.