Prometheus De-Livered April 2001

Filing Window Announced - June 11-June 15, 2001

Windows 4 and 5 were consolidated, so the new filing date will be June 11-June 15, 2001. You must get your application in between those dates to file for a license in:

Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Guam, Iowa, Kentucky, Massachussetts, Montana, Nebraska, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, U.S.Virgin Islands, Vermont, Washington, and West Virginia.

There are only 60 more days of outreach for 100 watt LPFMs- tell your friends in those states!

Report and Order

The FCC released it's report and order on Monday. April 2nd. Essentially, the report and order does 3 things:

1) It codifies into law the third adjacaent protections mandated by the Grams bill. It also explains how these changes are to be implemented. This drastically cuts the number of LPFM applications that are eligible at this time for a license.

2) It also adds to its rules the "anti-pirate provision," rendering the FCC's already fallacious distinction between "good" and "bad" pirates moot. Now we are all "bad" pirates. It was a dumb rule to start with, and now Congress made it dumber. Oh well. I would be pretty surprised if we don't see this in the courts in the not-so-distant future.

3)The FCC released three lists of stations that are being affected by the Grams legislation.

List A is a list of stations that can fix their application by moving the site of their transmitter 2 km or less. there are only 12 groups on this list, which is a surprisingly small number in our humble opinion. You may want to check whether you really should be on this list- Prometheus has special software which can help you with this. If you are on that list of 12 stations (or you can move less than 2 kilometers, staying on the same frequency) and meet the Grams rules) you have 30 days from April 2nd to send in a proposal for a "minor change." Contact us if you need help with this.

List B is a list of groups that can not fix their application with a 2km move. They will be allowed to file "remedially", probably sometime this summer. These groups will move their site or their frequency, more than 2km. It is a good idea to start preparing for this now. Again, we have software that can assist you in finding a possible site that meets the new qualifications.

List C is of 21 applicants who applied as former unlicensed operators, who were disqualified by the Grams legislation. Contrary to what we thought, there will be no "open" nationwide makeup filing window for anyone that missed their chance the first time around in their state. Instead, there will be a remedial filing window in which the applicants from those windows get to change their applications to resolve competition for frequencies and to move their transmitter sites or frequencies to come into compliance with the Congressional mandate. However, if you missed your chance as a result of a computer error or some other problem, we suggest that you try to "make up" your application during that Nationwide remedial window this summer.

Prometheus is on the road in Massachussetts, Vermont, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Indiana, North Carolina, Kentucky, North Carolina, Tennessee, Alabama, Florida and Arkansas. over the coming months- call us and get us to come to your town in the near future.

Free the Airwaves!!!