File Comments Now to Expand and Protect Low Power FM Radio!

Want to bring low power FM and community radio to every city and town? Now is the time to take action by commenting at the FCC! We are hot on the trail of expanding low power community radio around the country, both in Congress and at the FCC. Thanks to the efforts of low power radio supporters like you, the Local Community Radio Act -- which will lift the restrictions on Low Power FM -- has 70 co-sponsors in the House of Representatives and last fall unanimously passed the Senate Commerce Committee. And the FCC is currently accepting your comments on the future of Low Power FM! And now the FCC is accepting comments, until April 7th! Click here now to tell the FCC you want a station, and click here now to tell the FCC to keep your existing low power FM from being knocked off the air!

Want to learn more? Visit /take_action to fight for low power FM at the FCC and in Congress now!