Meet our new Station Support Director Allan Gomez

For over a decade, Allan Gomez has been active in generating media/radio access as an act of solidarity for communities struggling for social justice particularly throughout Latin America, including his country of origin, Ecuador. He was a founding member of Chicago-based volunteer group Radios Populares (RaPo), which travelled throughout North and South America to help build community radio stations, present workshops, and provide tech and organizational support to women's health groups, indigenous schools, farmers' movements and teacher's unions among others. His work brought him very close to the Prometheus Radio Project and he ended up taking part in six radio barnraisings throughout the US. Prior to his arrival in Philadelphia, he spent two years in a conflict zone in rural Colombia providing logistical support to health training initiatives, facilitating community organizing, as well as coordinating appropriate technology installations in the region. He enjoys sharing food, experiences, excitement, rage, blame and credit where its due.

Allan just moved to Philadelphia and to join the Prometheus Radio Project. Since day one he has is been looking exhaustively in to the CDBS (FCC Database) to look for Singletons that can be potential candidates for Barnraisings, those future radio stations that will be part of the Voz de los Sin Voz (Voice of the Voiceless). We are pretty excited! Now with our new Station Support Director on board Prometheus is ready to accomplish it's mission to help dozens of applicants to get on air.